The Carbon solar panel.

So we all know about today's modern solar panel to some extent. I want to quickly break down my understanding of their composition. With pace of innovation this will likely be prone to inaccuracies and outdated info. Feel free to comment with valid/updated info(sources appreciated).

Silicon is the substance that powers today's photo-voltaic solar cell. When doped to create impurities it creates a situation where electrons are motivated to act and traverse a system. I believe Q-Carbon may be usable as part of(instead of the negatively doped layer?) or in replacement of silicon in a solar cell. The key that triggered the idea for me was in the article it mentioned that Q-Carbon has a low work function, a willingness to release electrons. I'm not aware if photons striking it is what causes the release of electrons(the whole mechanism behind PVCs). If it works out that way leveraging carbon instead of silicon would bring down the cost of creation since carbon is a much more abundant material.

Q-Carbon is relatively inexpensive to make and comes in a mono-crystalline form right off the bat. If my intuition is right it could be very useful.

I also believe graphene could be useful in the transmission of electrons within the solar cell as the anode or cathode layer of the cell, placed on the outsides of the negatively and positively charged layers of the cell. Graphene is still expensive to make though so for now other metals are likely more attractive.

Some viewing/reading and references:
Existing solar:

Carbon and Q-Carbon related:

Carbon: The Next Silicon?: Book 1 - Fundamentals

I think I've figured out the answer to the ultimate solar panels. Carbon-15 or Q-Carbon or some radio-active gradient material maybe both (c-15 inside C-Q AKA: the ultimate generator of electrons meets to ultimate concentrator of electrons.:AKA)


Both wikipedia, honestly the best source of knowledge on the planet. The combination of the two materials listed could have potential to become a source of easily accessible energy (regulated by electromagnetic materials to slow the flow of electrons in specific time intervals.)

Carbon is the most valuable substance to work with in any human sense because it's the most plentiful substance in OUR Ecosphere... Hydrogen is the most plentiful in our universe. Please realize this and endeavor to study uses for this material. We currently stand the chance of killing ourselves as a species because of this atom. Lets put it to use to generate our electricity. Find a balance between carbon and silicon, then work your way down to hydrogen from there.

Did you know that Carbon-Silicon molecules are possible? I listen to NPR on a semi-regular basis. There's a team of females in another country that pioneer convincing living creatures to form a material that's a product of genomics engineering. The two female researchers don't have a clue what their creation is capable of enabling humans to build.

Brain dump complete. Please find a way to use this information later.

More carbon related news:

Combine that with plezio electric crystals and make some kind of ceramic out of it.


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