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Brewing part 2: Brewing meets Life sciences. Introducing the BEER BIOME.

I want to talk about a concept I've been mulling over for a bit. First, I should explain what a biome is. I learned the term biome from video games I played when I was younger. Sim-Earth to be specific. A Biome is essentially an sub-section of an Environment. Take a jungle for example they have particular characteristics (heavily forested, very moist, very little sunlight reaches the forest floor). You can divide up the segments as small as you like. Even down to something so small that you can call it a micro-biome. If fact, cutting edge nutrition and healthcare has taken notice of micro-biomes within our own bodies. Scores of bacteria that live in the guts of every human being. Biomes are everywhere and serve a vast variety of purposes, including keeping us healthy by processing the food we eat and managing our metabolism. My idea is to create an artificial sub-section of our environment specifically to make beer or other alcoholic products. To be specific a micro-biome, a B

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